Stockholm Internship

Webstar Interaction Studios is a one-man product design and user experience design company. I’m working on quite a few exciting projects and have the capacity to mentor someone looking to learn a trade. The position is extremely flexible and you can fit the weekly hours and internship duration to your schedule. This is a unique opportunity to learn how to create and iterate a user experience using user-centered design methodologies.

The only requirement is that you are good with technology: You should be able to navigate to a new website, app, or download a new computer program without any trouble. However, if you are an ambitious person and want to try jumping in, I’m fine with that as well.

The internship is unpaid, though I’m willing to negotiate some compensation once you’re producing consistent deliverables. When you finish the position, you’ll have a completed portfolio to show to employers and should be able to find a junior user experience designer role.

Please send an email to with your desired start date, internship hours per week, and duration.

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Obviously it may lead you to open your school of UX or something else. Anyway, it sounds great.

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